Cost-effective closure and empty bottle inspection
With our inspectors for returnable empty bottles and for closure checking, we are taking new roads in inspection reliability, machine design and functionality. Many solutions on the market are oversized, space-consuming and require a great deal of maintenance. These disadvantages are problems for small and medium-sized breweries and bottling companies, which we solve with an intelligent, flexibly expandable modular system from partial to full inspection as well as space-saving, open and user-friendly linear design.
Non-contact bottle alignment and swing-top inspection
For maximum hygiene, our inspectors are equipped with patented, non-contact container handling along the entire inspection path. Due to the further pre-programmable unlimited container adjustment, the changeover takes place automatically without additional format parts within a very short time.
TE tear-off ring check
For product safety in the case of containers with screw caps, the inspection of the connecting bars of the TE tear-off ring is a prerequisite for the integrity of the contents. Whether partial or full tear-off – the special camera technology of the FILL CHECK enables the integrity of the connecting bars of the tear-off ring on screw caps to be checked in addition to fill level and closure checking.
A compact camera and lighting station can be integrated in the machine inlet for the recognition of foreign containers according to size, diameter, shape and colour as well as for embossing recognition. The foreign containers are reliably removed from the production process before they can get into the plant.
In the inspection of container bases, a particularly high-contrast image of the base is analysed using LED-Bottom-Up LED lighting. Existing structures such as imprints and markings or knurling marks are masked by filters so that every kind of foreign object or damage is reliably detected.
The XPlorer² thread detector inspects screw closures with any thread geometries. By means of various mirrors, the threads turns – regardless of how many – are reliably unwound and examined for critical worn areas and damage.
The reliable detection of damaged sealing surfaces is enabled by high-performance cameras that use LED coaxial light stations integrated in the machine head. The entire mouth is visualised and analysed for faults. Breakouts, spalling, damage, stress cracks, rust stains and coatings are automatically registered and the respective containers are ejected from the production process.
For the side wall detection with full all-round view we use a special mirror station at both the bottle inlet and outlet. By means of a 90° rotation in the belt station and the telecentric parallel inspection, cracks, traces of impacts, scuffing and residues of paper and film are reliably detected on the entire bottle (360°) and the bottle is ejected.
We use high frequency (HF) and infrared measurement (IR) for the detection of lye. In the case of the HF measurement, a high-frequency field in the base area registers even the minutest quantities of lye. Non-conductive liquids such as varnishes or oils are reliably detected by infrared sensors.
For product safety in the case of containers with screw caps, inspection of the connecting bars of the TE tear-off ring is a prerequisite for the integrity of the contents. Whether partial or full tear-off – the special camera technology of the (F) FILL CHECK enables the integrity of the connecting bars of the tear-off ring on screw caps to be checked in addition to fill level and closure checking. Containers with damaged tear-off rings (full tear-off, partial tear-off as option) are reliably ejected.
Due to a special camera/light configuration, a distinction can be made between foreign logos and your own as well as damaged or rubbed-off printing with the help of specified reference images. This way, for example, your own material can be reliably sorted out when filling foreign containers.
The bottleneck is inspected with the swing top raised up, entirely without interference contours and shadows due to swing tops hanging down. This allows all-round detection in this neck area for the first time.
The use of a colour camera and a special LED light station enables various rubber colours to be distinguished and cracks, dirt, missing sealing rubbers or damage to the swing top ceramic to be detected.
- Consulting/project planning
- Development of individual, tailor-made customer solutions
- Individual design and development according to the customer's wishes
- Custom manufacturing of special inspection solutions
- Individual software development on a universal PLC basis
- State of the art camera, lighting and image processing technology
- Mechanical engineering - made in Germany
- EPLAN electrical design
- Assembly/commissioning
- Employee training
- Maintenance
- Remote service
Further inspection and transport components
Especially for plant modernisation in mid-size breweries and bottling companies, our inspection and checking components as well as individually planned transport solutions for bottles and containers offer the option to upgrade existing plants to the state of the art.
The assembly includes the linking of the control system to the existing plants.